
This Adventure


Everyone wants to go on an adventure.

Adventures do not come in childproof, airtight, colorful packages; adventures are not one-size-fits-all. Like snowflakes and people and clouds and everything in this universe, no two adventures fit the same plaster mold. By definition (thank you, Merriam-Webster), there must be unknown risks, there is no predictability.

I am going on an adventure.

For years I have begged to pursue home education (that’s the technical name, don’t judge), but one year of private schooling melted into another, and the established pattern did not seem like it would ever break. Cue a while lot of uncertainty, and suddenly Tessa and I began a new journey: public school. Now, Tessa, Miss Social and Loved by Everyone, jumped up to the challenge and has soared. Alyvia? Eh, not so much. And so after months of deliberation and “child, give it a fair shot” and cultural-shock-esque experiences, I begin this journey for which I have so longed, and home education/homeschooling/independent study/pick your term begins now.

I only have a year left in high school, but a year is a lot of time to have an adventure. I am excited about this venture, where it will take me and where I will take it. As my father said, “Your mother and I have given you the reins of your education. It’s yours now.” Responsibility, yes, but also freedom to chase personal interests. Oh, I’m excited.

2 thoughts on “This Adventure

    • Oh, yes ma’am, it really is amazing! I do it more at a weekly sort of pace, so I have a predetermined load for each class and a week to accomplish it; you can go much more quickly this way — absolutely marvelous. There are a lot government requirements for grades and overseeing schools and so forth in this neck of the woods, but I’ve been blessed with a fantastic “umbrella school” (the “headquarters” for the operation, if you will). I completely recommend homeschooling for anyone interested in learning at a rate different than what the traditional classroom offers or anyone interested in going a little off the oft-trod path of education. Thanks for the comment, Hala!

      – Alyvia

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